Georgia Chess Association
Renew K12 USCF Membership
GCA has purchased a number of USCF vouchers that can be used to renew K-12 memberships at a reduced cost. Scholastic memberships are $20 when purchased directly from USCF, but we’ve used our bulk rate to get the prices down to $9.
Please check the eligibility and redemption process:
1. Must be no older than 20 years at the time of redemption.
2. Each membership is good for 12 months from the time of the activation.
3. May not be a current US Chess member. May be used for new members or for expired members.
4. After your purchase, we will redeem the voucher for you. Please check the redemption list for your name. Also, please check your email for an email from USCF with regards to your membership.
5. Please check by 10PM for your membership ID if you have made a purchase.
5. Link for Voucher redemption. Voucher Redemption | US
6. Redemption List (List of players for whom the vouchers have been redeemed and membership activated)
7. Vouchers once redeemed cannot be refunded.
Cost $14/each.
Please contact for further information.