2016 Georgia Open
October 7-9/Emory University Winship Ballroom
*Online registration is closed. Please arrive early for onsite registration*
2016 Georgia Open Advance Entries as of 10/7
Oct. 7-9 or 8-9, Georgia
2016 Georgia Open - National Chess Day Event
$4485, b/100 entries, 65% Guaranteed.
Registration Cap: 120
6SS. One Section with Overall and Class prizes. Winship Ballroom, DUC, Emory University, 605 Asbury Cir, Atlanta, GA 30322 (see parking info below: please allow 15 minutes to park and walk)
Prizes: $700-300-$250-150-135-100-100;
Class A:$250-$150-75; Class B: $250-150-75;
Class C: $250-150-75; Class D:$250-150-75;
Under 1200: $250-150-75; Unrated:$200-100-75.
*Only GA residents are qualified for the plaques for winning their section/class.
Rounds: 3 day: Friday - 7:00 p.m. Saturday –10:00 a.m., 2:30p.m., 7:00p.m. Sunday – 10:00 a.m., 2:30 p.m.
2 day: Saturday: 10:00 a.m., 12:00p.m. then merges at 2:30 p.m. with 3-day.
Time control: 3 day - G/90 d5; 2 day - first two rounds G/45 d5, then merges with 3 day at G/90 d5.
Byes: One ½ point bye available in rounds 1-5. Zero point bye available in round 6. 2nd byes are also zero point byes.
Entry Fee: $69 online registration for all Open players (deadline for on-line registration is Wed. Oct 5). $75 on-site. GM/IM/WGM/WIM are free. Must have current USCF membership. Georgia Players must also have current GCA membership. To register click on the "register" button to the left of this column.
Deadlines: online registration closes midnight Wed, Oct 5. On-site registration is Friday 6-6:30pm; Saturday 9-9:30am.
Tournament Hall: Emory University Winship BallRoom
Parking: Park at either Peavine Parking Deck (29 Eagle Row, Atlanta) or Fishburne Parking Deck (1672 N Decatur Road) and then walk to the DUC. Free parking at these two lots all weekend.

October 8 Saturday: Rated Beginners Open for Scholastic Players U1200
Location: Emory University, DUC E338
Registration cap of 35 players. First, second third trophy prizes, based on tiebreaks. Time control: G/45;d5 Four rounds, 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., then ASAP. Entry Fee: $30 online. $35 On-site. Site registration starts at: 9:30 a.m. up to ten minutes before tourney. (for on-line/web registration use this link).
Information: gaopen@georgiachess.org
Please note: USCF membership required for all players. GCA membership required for GA residents. Chess Sets supplied for both the main tournament and the side event. Please bring a clock.
Note: photos may be taken of you or your child and published on our news site (esp winners with trophies). Please contact us if you do not want your/your child's photo published.
Tournament Coordinator: Priya Srinivasan